Bem vindos ao meu blog. Aqui escrevo o que penso, o que me apetece e o que bem entendo. Fiz-me entender? Nem por isso? É complicado exemplificar. Puxai uma cadeira. Comei pipocas e ride! Sim...riam muito porque tristezas não pagam dívidas.

sexta-feira, 3 de setembro de 2010


you're my man
my mighty king
and i'm the jewel in your crown
you're the sun so hot and bringht
i'm your light-rays shining down
you're the sky so vast and blue
and i'm the white clouds in your chest
i'm a river clean and pure
who in your ocean finds her rest
you're the mountain huge and high
i'm the valley green and wide
your the body firm and strong
i'm a rib bone on your side
you're an eagle flying high
i'm your feathers light and brown
you're my man, the king of kings
and i'm the jewel in your crown

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